Gullringsbo latvia

Gullringsbo Egendomar and Gullringsbo Forestry has built a portfolio of 7,683 hectares in Latvia since the first acquisition in 2006. The forest management strategy has been very long-term with focus on planting and pre-commercial thinning to improve the forest stands.

  • Very well consolidated property portfolio of 340 properties and 7,683 ha land in eastern Latvia.
  • 5,388 ha productive forest land with a total of about 568,000 cubic meters of standing forest or 105 m3/ha on average.
  • 2,000 ha of young spruce stands in the age of 1-20 years, mostly planted on former agriculture and other land with exceptional growth expectancies.
  • 2,136 ha or 41% of the forest land in the best growth class, site index Ia.
  • About 1,350 ha, or 26% of the forest area, has been pre-commercially thinned since 2020.
  • Vendor due diligence made by third-party regarding forest volume and composition of forest. The field control measurements indicates the same amount of forest volume as in the state register data, difference of 0.01%.
  • 1,117 ha leased agriculture land adding about 112,000 EUR/year in revenue.

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